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Stewardship 101 2-24
Pr. Chris asked me to write a paragraph or two on stewardship for this newsletter. Oh, my! Have you ever known me to confine myself to a paragraph or two in print or conversation? The theme, I’m told, is sacrifice, a word that strikes nearly as much terror into the hearts of modern Christians as its synonym, “give,” a four-letter word that is never spoken in polite company.
We understand the concept of “no pain no gain,” but our desire always is to reduce the first while maximizing the latter, thus pew cushions, convenient parking, casual dress, familiar hymns, and 7 minute sermons (I prefer all of these, so there you have it!), and “I’m sorry I didn’t come to church last Sunday, but I’m so busy/tired/upset I knew I wouldn’t get anything out of it.”
Another synonym for sacrifice is “surrender.” When I think back on our faith formation as a couple, nothing has brought Pam and me closer to God than pledging. It’s one thing to say you trust God but quite another to promise a substantial part of your income to God’s work in the world. We surrender a portion of the gifts we’re to be given, trusting that God will provide for our needs in the upcoming year. God’s faithfulness has grown our faith every year for the 25 years we’ve been married.
This year, let’s keep on giving the gift that keeps on giving: faithful and faithful-filled stewardship. I miss you all, even here among God’s green hills and forests. For 15 years, as your pastor, I found myself immersed in love, kindness, humor, joy, and a profound appreciation for your deep, abiding, spirit-filled generosity.
– Pastor Bob Cochran

Titles Part 2: Reverend vs Pastor
Titles: Part 2
Reverend vs Pastor
To many these titles are synonymous. They can be used interchangeably along with Father or Priest. However, to some there is a slight difference between these two titles. My pastoral supervisor when I was on internship instilled the difference within me and I appreciate his perspective. He had drawn my attention to the fact that the title of Reverend is bestowed to those who have a masters degree of divinity, or is used for those who lead a congregation. I have a masters degree of divinity and I currently lead a congregation, so Reverend is a title that fits me. What sets a pastor apart is that they are called to be the pastor (administer of Word and Sacrament) of a congregation.
The difference is that one is called into the work. In our denomination it means that there was a lot of spiritual discernment that was done. It means that we pray and listen to how the Holy Spirit is calling a congregation and a pastoral candidate. A pastor encompasses more than just being the leader of a congregation. The title often holds a more closeness to our hearts, a sense of comfort and safety. When we have a visiting minister to our congregation you will notice it says “Rev.” next to their name in the bulletin. It isn’t because they are not equipped to be a pastor, it just means that this congregation did not call them to be their pastor. We just called them to give guidance on a Sunday that Pastor Tucker and Pastor Chris are not able to be there. Pastor Christ and I have been called, Pastor Chris not as formally as I, to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments to this community, while also caring for its members’ spiritual needs. We are here for all pastoral concerns not reverend concerns.
I am very thankful for the title that I have here and I am overjoyed that this community has the personal relationship to call me Pastor.
Pax et Bonum (Peace and all Good)
Brother Tucker

Stewardship 101
A Cheerful Giver
I’ve heard it said so many times, “All that church does is ask for money!” I saw a cartoon once with two men stranded on a tiny little island, with sharks swimming around it. One said, “Nobody will ever find us.” To which the other replies, “Don’t worry. I pledged $100,000 to my church; my pastor will find us.” Many are turned off by the mere suggestion of stewardship, as a sour and depressing subject. Yet the Bible sees it differently. For Paul the thought of giving money for ministry is a cheerful subject which gives rise to gratitude, inspiration and, well, joy! Yes! Stewardship! When I think of how far my money goes when I give my offering, I get sorta giddy. My money goes to support our local ministry but much farther. My offering goes around the world. We support Young Adults in Global Mission, sending 24 young adults (18-35) to nine countries as “missionaries” around the world. What a happy thought! We also have 131 missionary families serving in 45 countries! Oh joy!
At home your gifts have given scholarships to 1000+ students in their seminary training to become ELCA pastors through the Fund for Leaders program. You are helping support the development of 340 ELCA new-start ministries in the United States and the Caribbean, as well as numerous ethnic-specific ministries, such as indigenous, Hispanic, and African American ministries.
We all support hundreds of social ministry agencies (such as Lutheran Social Services and others in our area). One person in 50 throughout the United States are being served by Lutheran agencies. I see what Paul is saying: This all makes me glad and happy and very proud. And it makes me very cheerful when I give to this world-wide ministry of love in Christ.
Pastor Chris

Titles Part 1: Mother, Father, Sister, Friar
Titles: Part 1
Mother, Father, Sister, Friar
As we journey through life we will all encounter pivotal moments that change and define our lives. In many of these life changes we encounter a new way of identifying ourselves. Son or Daughter when we are born, Husband or Wife when we get married, Doctor, Pastor, or Captain for jobs, Father or Mother when we become parents. These titles shift and grow with us as our lives change, becoming grandparents and great-grandparents at times. This is normal and usually doesn’t bring about many questions, however, every now and then there is a change in title that seems odd or different to us. As I transitioned into becoming a novice I acquired the title, Friar or Brother. These two titles are synonymously used in religious communities for people to know who I am and how I live my life. More specifically it tells people that I have devoted my life to emulate the teachings and guidance of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi.
A title is merely a recognition of what someone has done in their life. The acknowledgement of time passed, commitments made, or education completed. In these titles we recognize the time, gifts, resources, and personal struggles of another that were sacrificed to take the next step in their lives. Some titles are more comfortable because we know them well, Doctor, Parent, and Pastor all evoke an emotional and intellectual response of understanding and connection. However, how does Brother or Friar connect with us? In the following months I will be writing little sections to help understand more what it means for me to be a Friar/Brother. My hope is that our community will learn more about this order and me and come to find comfort in those titles just as we all have comfort in my title as Pastor. However, it is always good to remember that whether you call me Friar, Brother, or Tucker, I will always be your Pastor and will be here with you through the thick and thin of this beautiful life God has given us to journey together.
Pax et Bonum (Peace and all Good)
Brother Tucker

Celebration of Life
Celebration of Life
Our greatest sympathies are with you at this difficult time of mourning. We would like to help with the arrangements. Whether you choose to have the service at First Lutheran, a funeral home, or the graveside, we can assist. We will meet with you to talk about your loved one, put together the service, pray and then preach and conduct the service at the place of your choice. Please contact the Church Office to arrange the service and gather details. We will work with the funeral home and cemetery of your choice to put together a meaningful worship of God, and an honoring of your loved-one. Please call or email us to begin arrangements.

General Scholarship Endowment Fund
Scholarship Application, Selection, and Award Procedure
Background: Jeffrey Allan DeMoss (Jeff) was born in Springfield, Ohio and baptized into the faith of the Lutheran Church in America in 1961. A lifetime Christian, Jeff exemplified the values of love, kindness, caring, sincerity, devotion, and gentleness. While Jeff had medical challenges from birth, he prepared himself for a lifetime of service to others with educational certifications in Psychology, Counseling and a Masters Degree in Social Work. Jeff specialized in counseling troubled teenagers and would often take on the most difficult clients. And it was here, among lost and lonely young people, where Jeff made his largest impact as he put his heart around those who others had turned away. He was well loved by all who knew him and left his world and ours a better place. Jeff died at the young age of 41 and his family would like to perpetuate his memory by offering an endowment to assist young people of this parish. Jeff’s parents are Paul and Sue DeMoss, members of First Lutheran Church, Findlay, Ohio.
- Determination of Amount Available for Annual Scholarship Awards:
a. On or before January 20 each year, the endowment committee treasurer will calculate the earnings available for award in the current year.
b. On or before January 20 each year, the endowment committee will determine the maximum amount for each award per applicant. - Award Criteria:
a. Applicants must be an active member of First Evangelical Lutheran Church between the ages of 18 and 25 years old and attending a nationally recognized accredited College/University having declared a major in health, religion and/or social work professions. Examples of professions include but are not limited to social work, counseling, psychology, nursing, medicine, youth work, ministry, and mental health.
b. Applicants must also be of good Christian character and be making use of their talents in a manner that is pleasing to God.
c. No one person may receive scholarship awards more than twice. - Determination of the definition of “Active” member:
a. On or before January 20 each year, the endowment committee will define the current criteria for “active” member of First Lutheran Church as determined by the church constitution and the ELCA constitution. An
active member will be the same as a voting member according to the church constitution for the purpose of this scholarship application process.
b. These defined criteria will be updated annually in the Scholarship Applications Guidelines distributed to all applicants each year. Effective 1/1/2008 - Announcement of application, deadlines, and selection procedure:
a. On or before February 1 each year, the endowment committee will announce the application procedure, deadlines, and total amount of scholarship funds available for award in the current year to the general church membership. Announcements will be made by any or all of the following methods as determined by the Endowment Committee:
i. Church newsletter
ii. Weekly church bulletins during the months of February and March
iii. Bulletin board (s) used for announcements for the senior high Sunday School class and the senior high youth group
iv. Bulletin board (s) used for announcements of interest to members
v. Church Council
vi. Church Committee chairpersons
vii. Church Web site
viii. Other persons or locations as appropriate from time to time as determined by the Endowment Committee
b. Scholarship applications will be available from the pastors, or the church office in the endowment committee mail tray.
c. Application period begins February 1 and all applications and related
documents must be submitted to the Endowment Committee no later than March 31 each year. No incomplete applications will be considered for
awards. - Review and Selection of recipients:
a. The Jeffrey Allan DeMoss Scholarship Selection Committee consists of five voting members. One ex-officio family member may also serve at the option of the DeMoss family:
i. Two members of the endowment committee as selected by that committee
ii. Three church members as selected by Church Council representing the following areas of the church:
1. One church council member
2. One church pastor
3. One Youth Committee member
iii. A member of the DeMoss family may serve on the scholarship selection committee in an ex-officio capacity, if they choose to do so.
iv. No member of the selection committee will have an immediate family member being considered for a scholarship award.
b. The Scholarship Selection Committee will review and determine the amount of award to each qualified applicant.
c. The scholarship committee will submit its recommendations for
scholarship awards to the full endowment committee for further review for compliance to all rules and regulations. Effective 1/1/2008 - Approval of Awards: The endowment committee will recommend approval of the selected recipients and distribution of funds to Church Council for action at the April or May council meeting.
- Announcement of Scholarship Recipients:
a. On or before June 1 each year, the Endowment Committee will prepare a letter of notification to each recipient to be signed by the President of Church Council. The letter will include information about the amount of the award, the name of the institution that will be paid, and an acceptance form for the recipient to accept, or decline the award that is to be returned to the church as confirmation of all the correction information.
b. If any applicants are not awarded funds, the Endowment Committee chair will prepare a letter to applicants signed by the President of Church Council stating they were not awarded a scholarship, the reason why, and thanking them for applying.
c. The recipients will be announced in the church newsletter and church bulletin. Certificates of awards will be presented to each recipient at an award ceremony during a church service or other appropriate event.
d. A news release will be sent to The Courier or local newspaper to be published in the regular daily paper, or to be included in the annual scholarship awards supplement, which ever is appropriate. - Payment of Scholarship Award:
a. Scholarship awards will be paid from the endowment funds directly to the college or university. Under no circumstances will the award be paid to the student recipient.
b. Award payments will be sent to the recipient’s institution no later than September 1.
Scholarship Application Guidelines 2024-25 School Year
February 1 – March 31st: Completed applications and letter of recommendation will be accepted. Applications will not be accepted after March 31st.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for a scholarship award:
- Active* member of First Lutheran Church attending a nationally recognized
accredited Christian Theological Seminary - Or, active* member of First Lutheran Church attending a Lutheran affiliated college or university, regardless of major
- Or, active* member of First Lutheran Church attending a nationally recognized accredited Christian College/University and majoring in Christian ministry, such as but not limited to, pastoral ministry, pre-seminary studies, youth ministry, church music ministry, or Christian education.
*An active member is defined as a confirmed member of First Lutheran Church who has communed and made a contribution of record to this congregation in the current or preceding calendar year. The applicant may be a dependent child of an active member.
April 1-May 1: The Scholarship Selection Committee will review and select the scholarship recipients no later than May 1 st with approval by Church Council. Applicants may be called for a personal interview at the discretion of the scholarship selection committee. This committee is made up of two endowment committee members, a church pastor, a church council member, and a youth committee member.
June 1: Applicants will receive a notification letter on or about June 1st.
Please submit or print the online form. Incomplete applications will not be considered for a scholarship award.
One (1) confidential letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor, a guidance counselor or other school official who is well acquainted with you must be submitted directly to the Scholarship Selection Committee no later than March 31st. The confidential letter of recommendation should be sent directly to: First Lutheran Endowment Scholarship Committee, 109 E. Lincoln St., Findlay, OH 45840. Be sure that the Scholarship Selection Committee has received your Letter of Recommendation no later than March 31st.

Youth Confirmation
Confirmation is a three-year commitment for 6th, 7th and 8th graders to meet with our Senior Pastor to discuss Lutheran Theology including: Martin Luther, Creeds, Prayers, Old and New Testament and many more. This is a time for students to acknowledge their baptism through an Affirmation of Faith. During each class students read from the Bible, discuss a topic, put on a skit, quiz show and other connecting activities.

We believe this because the Bible says that infants can believe (Matt. 18:6) and that new birth (regeneration) happens in Baptism (John 3:5-7; Titus 3:5-6).
Lutherans believe that the Bible teaches that a person is saved by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Baptism, we believe, is one of the miraculous means of grace (together with God’s written and spoken Word) through which God creates the gift of faith in a person’s heart.
Lutherans baptize by sprinkling or pouring water on the head of the person (or infant) as the Trinitarian formula is spoken. Lutherans teach baptism to be necessary, but not absolutely necessary, for salvation.
When a child is baptized, its parents and godparents gather round the baptismal font. The one who carries the child answers on the child’s behalf when the pastor asks if it renounces the devil and believes in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The parents promise to bring up the child in the Christian faith.
Children may be baptized at any age. Infants three to six months old are ideal for immersion in the font because at this age most babies do not have separation anxiety and are willing to be held by the pastor.

Jeffrey Allan DeMoss Scholarship Endowment Fund
Scholarship Application, Selection, and Award Procedure
Background: Jeffrey Allan DeMoss (Jeff) was born in Springfield, Ohio and baptized into the faith of the Lutheran Church in America in 1961. A lifetime Christian, Jeff exemplified the values of love, kindness, caring, sincerity, devotion, and gentleness. While Jeff had medical challenges from birth, he prepared himself for a lifetime of service to others with educational certifications in Psychology, Counseling and a Masters Degree in Social Work. Jeff specialized in counseling troubled teenagers and would often take on the most difficult clients. And it was here, among lost and lonely young people, where Jeff made his largest impact as he put his heart around those who others had turned away. He was well loved by all who knew him and left his world and ours a better place. Jeff died at the young age of 41 and his family would like to perpetuate his memory by offering an endowment to assist young people of this parish. Jeff’s parents are Paul and Sue DeMoss, members of First Lutheran Church, Findlay, Ohio.
- Determination of Amount Available for Annual Scholarship Awards:
a. On or before January 20 each year, the endowment committee treasurer will calculate the earnings available for award in the current year.
b. On or before January 20 each year, the endowment committee will determine the maximum amount for each award per applicant. - Award Criteria:
a. Applicants must be an active member of First Evangelical Lutheran Church between the ages of 18 and 25 years old and attending a nationally recognized accredited College/University having declared a major in health, religion and/or social work professions. Examples of professions include but are not limited to social work, counseling, psychology, nursing, medicine, youth work, ministry, and mental health.
b. Applicants must also be of good Christian character and be making use of their talents in a manner that is pleasing to God.
c. No one person may receive scholarship awards more than twice. - Determination of the definition of “Active” member:
a. On or before January 20 each year, the endowment committee will define the current criteria for “active” member of First Lutheran Church as determined by the church constitution and the ELCA constitution. An
active member will be the same as a voting member according to the church constitution for the purpose of this scholarship application process.
b. These defined criteria will be updated annually in the Scholarship Applications Guidelines distributed to all applicants each year. Effective 1/1/2008 - Announcement of application, deadlines, and selection procedure:
a. On or before February 1 each year, the endowment committee will announce the application procedure, deadlines, and total amount of scholarship funds available for award in the current year to the general church membership. Announcements will be made by any or all of the following methods as determined by the Endowment Committee:
i. Church newsletter
ii. Weekly church bulletins during the months of February and March
iii. Bulletin board (s) used for announcements for the senior high Sunday School class and the senior high youth group
iv. Bulletin board (s) used for announcements of interest to members
1. Church Council
vi. Church Committee chairpersons
vii. Church Web site
viii. Other persons or locations as appropriate from time to time as determined by the Endowment Committee
b. Scholarship applications will be available from the pastors, or the church office in the endowment committee mail tray.
c. Application period begins February 1 and all applications and related
documents must be submitted to the Endowment Committee no later than March 31 each year. No incomplete applications will be considered for
awards. - Review and Selection of recipients:
a. The Jeffrey Allan DeMoss Scholarship Selection Committee consists of five voting members. One ex-officio family member may also serve at the option of the DeMoss family:
i. Two members of the endowment committee as selected by that committee
ii. Three church members as selected by Church Council representing the following areas of the church:
1. One church council member
2. One church pastor
3. One Youth Committee member
iii. A member of the DeMoss family may serve on the scholarship selection committee in an ex-officio capacity, if they choose to do so.
iv. No member of the selection committee will have an immediate family member being considered for a scholarship award.
b. The Scholarship Selection Committee will review and determine the amount of award to each qualified applicant.
c. The scholarship committee will submit its recommendations for
scholarship awards to the full endowment committee for further review for compliance to all rules and regulations. Effective 1/1/2008 - Approval of Awards: The endowment committee will recommend approval of the selected recipients and distribution of funds to Church Council for action at the April or May council meeting.
- Announcement of Scholarship Recipients:
a. On or before June 1 each year, the Endowment Committee will prepare a letter of notification to each recipient to be signed by the President of Church Council. The letter will include information about the amount of the award, the name of the institution that will be paid, and an acceptance form for the recipient to accept, or decline the award that is to be returned to the church as confirmation of all the correction information.
b. If any applicants are not awarded funds, the Endowment Committee chair will prepare a letter to applicants signed by the President of Church Council stating they were not awarded a scholarship, the reason why, and thanking them for applying.
c. The recipients will be announced in the church newsletter and church bulletin. Certificates of awards will be presented to each recipient at an award ceremony during a church service or other appropriate event.
d. A news release will be sent to The Courier or local newspaper to be published in the regular daily paper, or to be included in the annual scholarship awards supplement, which ever is appropriate. - Payment of Scholarship Award:
a. Scholarship awards will be paid from the endowment funds directly to the college or university. Under no circumstances will the award be paid to the student recipient.
b. Award payments will be sent to the recipient’s institution no later than September 1.
Jeffrey Allan DeMoss Scholarship Application Guidelines 2024-25 School Year
Jeffrey Allan DeMoss (Jeff) was born in Springfield, Ohio and baptized into the faith of the Lutheran Church in America in 1961. A lifetime Christian, Jeff exemplified the values of love, kindness, caring sincerity, devotion, and gentleness. While Jeff had medical challenges from birth, he prepared himself for a lifetime of service to others with educational certifications in Psychology, Counseling and a Masters Degree in Social Work. Jeff specialized in counseling troubled teenagers and would often take on the most difficult clients. And it was here, among lost and lonely young people, where Jeff made his largest impact as he put his heart around those who others had turned away. He
was well loved by all who knew him and left his world and ours a better place. Jeff died at the young age of 41 and his family would like to perpetuate his memory by offering a
scholarship endowment to assist young people of this parish. Jeff’s parents are Paul and Sue DeMoss, members of First Lutheran Church, Findlay, Ohio.
Award Criteria
- Applicants must be an active* member of First Lutheran Church between the ages of 18 and 25 years old and attending a nationally recognized
accredited College/University having declared a major in health, religion and/or social work professions. Examples of professions include but are not limited to
social work, counseling, psychology, nursing, medicine, youth work, ministry, and mental health. - Applicants must also be of good Christian character and be making use of their talents in a manner that is pleasing to God.
- No one person may receive scholarship awards more than twice.
*An active member is defined as a confirmed member of First Lutheran Church who has communed and made a contribution of record to this congregation in the current or preceding calendar year. The applicant may be a dependent child of an active member.
February 1-March 31: Completed applications and two letters of recommendation will be accepted. Applications will not be accepted after March 31st.
April 1-May 1: The Scholarship Selection Committee will review and select the scholarship recipients no later than May 1 st with approval by Church Council. Applicants may be called for a personal interview at the discretion of the scholarship selection committee. This committee is made up of two endowment committee members, a church pastor, a church council member, and a youth committee member. A member of the DeMoss family may also serve ex-officio on the scholarship selection committee.
June 1: Applicants will receive a notification letter on or about June 1st.
Please submit or print the online form. Incomplete applications will not be considered for a scholarship award.
- Two (2) confidential letters of recommendation must be submitted directly to the First Lutheran Church, DeMoss Scholarship Selection Committee, 109 E. Lincoln St., Findlay, OH 45840. Be sure that the Scholarship Selection Committee has received both Letters of Recommendation no later than March 31st.
- One confidential letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor, a guidance counselor, or other school official who is well acquainted with you.
- One confidential letter of recommendation from pastoral staff of First Evangelical Lutheran Church, president of the church council, or youth leader providing supporting statements attesting to the Christian character of the applicant.