Titles: Part 1
Mother, Father, Sister, Friar
As we journey through life we will all encounter pivotal moments that change and define our lives. In many of these life changes we encounter a new way of identifying ourselves. Son or Daughter when we are born, Husband or Wife when we get married, Doctor, Pastor, or Captain for jobs, Father or Mother when we become parents. These titles shift and grow with us as our lives change, becoming grandparents and great-grandparents at times. This is normal and usually doesn’t bring about many questions, however, every now and then there is a change in title that seems odd or different to us. As I transitioned into becoming a novice I acquired the title, Friar or Brother. These two titles are synonymously used in religious communities for people to know who I am and how I live my life. More specifically it tells people that I have devoted my life to emulate the teachings and guidance of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi.
A title is merely a recognition of what someone has done in their life. The acknowledgement of time passed, commitments made, or education completed. In these titles we recognize the time, gifts, resources, and personal struggles of another that were sacrificed to take the next step in their lives. Some titles are more comfortable because we know them well, Doctor, Parent, and Pastor all evoke an emotional and intellectual response of understanding and connection. However, how does Brother or Friar connect with us? In the following months I will be writing little sections to help understand more what it means for me to be a Friar/Brother. My hope is that our community will learn more about this order and me and come to find comfort in those titles just as we all have comfort in my title as Pastor. However, it is always good to remember that whether you call me Friar, Brother, or Tucker, I will always be your Pastor and will be here with you through the thick and thin of this beautiful life God has given us to journey together.
Pax et Bonum (Peace and all Good)
Brother Tucker