Your wedding is a very important occasion. By choosing a Christian wedding service you have elected to celebrate God’s goodness to you in a service of worship. These guidelines are intended to help you plan an appropriate wedding service as well as inform you of our policies at First Lutheran Church.
With an engagement comes a great deal of planning. This brochure answers some of the common questions about what a wedding at First Lutheran Church (FLC) might look like, from planning the mechanics of the service, to marriage counseling, to the big day itself.
Scheduling Your Wedding
Please Call the church office at 419-422-2638 to ensure the date you have in mind is open on the church calendar as well as the pastor’s calendar.
Weddings at FLC are available to members and family members. Non-member weddings are at the discretion of the pastor. Wedding cannot be held during Holy Week, or any major church holiday weekend (i.e. Christmas Eve/Day, Easter, Pentecost, Reformation, All Saints) or secular holiday weekend (i.e. 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day Thanksgiving). All weddings are subject to the availability of the pastor.
It is the policy of this church that the congregation’s pastor, or an ELCA Lutheran minister approved by our pastor, presides and sets the liturgy for any wedding held at FLC. If you desire the participation of another minister, please discuss this with FLC’s pastor.
Your wedding date will be placed on the church calendar after it has been approved by our pastor, the completed Wedding Information Form has been received by the church, and the $100 deposit has been received. (see below for fees and payments).
Marriage Preparations
When your wedding date is added to the church calendar, you will need to arrange an appointment for your Marriage Preparation Conversations. You will meet with the pastor four times. This will be a time to discuss all the pieces that contribute to combining two lives, faiths, finances, family patterns, personal patterns, to name a few. Each couple will take an online inventory at www.prpeare-enrich.com. A modest fee of $35 is required to take the inventory.
The Service
At FLC, all weddings follow the typical patterns of Christian Worship. To navigate these patterns, plans for the service will be made in consultation with the pastor.
The colors of the sanctuary will be according to the season of the church year. So, for example, if you have a summer wedding, the paraments and banners in the sanctuary will be green. The sanctuary comfortably seats 360.
The music at your wedding adds much to the beauty and sanctity of the service. As with any service of worship, the music should give glory to God and should be church appropriate. We should never confuse the perfectly fine and proper music that you may want to use at your wedding reception with respectful music played at your wedding.
If you choose to use our organist/pianist, you should contact him/her to make arrangements as soon as you schedule your wedding with the church. He/she will meet with you to assist you in the selection of music. Only our church organist plays for weddings at FLC unless otherwise approved by the organist and our pastor.
You will plan the music for your wedding, including any solos or special arrangements, with the church organist. CD’s may also be used for accompaniment, but should be brought in at least one week before the service, so that the sound system can be tested. Other sources of music need to be discussed with the sound technician which will be provided.
Unity Candle
If you would like a Unity Candle to be part of the service you will provide the central candle, the two side candles, and the holders. Make sure the candles you buy fit the holders you intend to use.
Flowers and other greenery add a great deal of beauty to the worship space. Be sure that any arrangement you choose is appropriate for the setting. No decorations may be placed in the chancel area (the area in front of the pews). All decoctions must be approved by the Pastor or the Building Manager prior to rehearsal. Flowers need to be delivered Friday morning from 9:00am – noon and removed after your wedding. The flowers need to be identified for the wedding.
If you wish to have a white aisle runner, it needs to be obtained from a florist and should be 75 feet in length. There are 18 rows of pews down each side of the nave aisle if you wish to decorate them. Pew candelabras are available at an extra cost of $25 for the candles. The nave aisle is five feet wide.
The best time for formal wedding pictures in the sanctuary ss before the wedding – especially if the service is late in the day. All photographs must be completed ½ hour prior to the wedding. No flash pictures are permitted after the processional. Please notify your guests and photographer of this policy. Video cameras are permitted only in the balcony. If your photographer is unfamiliar with First Lutheran’s layout, encourage them to visit prior to the ceremony.
Bulletins/Guest Book
If bulletins are desired, the design and printing are the responsibility of the bride and groom. You are responsible for the purchase of your guest book. A podium is provided.
Every FLC wedding will be rehearsed. This is so that, on the big day, everyone is comfortable with the movements and patterns of the service. The best time for the rehearsal is the evening before the wedding. Everyone in the wedding party should attend the rehearsal. This includes the bride, groom, attendants, ushers, readers, parents and any other person who will play a part in the service or move within the service.
Arrival Times
The wedding party may arrive at FLC two (2) hours prior to the wedding.
Reception/Rehearsal Dinner
The Fellowship Hall of FLC is available for your rehearsal dinner and reception. These events are scheduled according to the Building Use Guidelines. Additional charges apply for the use of the building and services of the Building Manager.
Marriage License
It is your responsibility to secure the marriage license. Please have it to the church office the Monday prior to the wedding, but you should start the process of applying for it one month before the wedding.
Alcohol and Non-Prescription Drugs
are not allowed on the premises – including the parking lot. Please note: If any of the members of the wedding party or guests are discovered using or possessing any of these items, they will be removed from the property. You are responsible for making this known to all who attend your wedding.
At all times, especially during the service, name someone to be responsible for all valuables including purses, phones, wedding gifts and cards, etc. FLC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Items left in the church after the wedding will be kept for two weeks.
The wedding couple should understand that they are not “renting the building” for a wedding. Rather, the church is agreeing to offer a marriage ritual according to First Lutheran’s religious traditions.
Member Fees
Non-Member Fees
Building Manager:
Non-refundable DEPOSIT:
Individual checks, due on the day of the rehearsal, are to be made payable to the pastor, organist, and building manager.
Use of the church
Unfortunately, there are a few items not allowed in the church. They include, but are not limited to, the following: The use of tobacco products or alcoholic beverages in or around the church; thrown rice, confetti, or birdseed in or around the church; artificial flowers thrown outside the church; body glitter; food in the worship area. There is no overnight parking at FLC.
Dresses and decorations may be dropped off the day before the wedding during the office hours of 9:00 – noon on Friday; please check with the church office to make arrangements.
Contact Information
Church Office: flcFindlay@gmail.com
Pastor Tucker O’Leary PastorFLC@gmail.com
Building Manager: flcBuildingManager@gmail.com