Titles: Part 2
Reverend vs Pastor
To many these titles are synonymous. They can be used interchangeably along with Father or Priest. However, to some there is a slight difference between these two titles. My pastoral supervisor when I was on internship instilled the difference within me and I appreciate his perspective. He had drawn my attention to the fact that the title of Reverend is bestowed to those who have a masters degree of divinity, or is used for those who lead a congregation. I have a masters degree of divinity and I currently lead a congregation, so Reverend is a title that fits me. What sets a pastor apart is that they are called to be the pastor (administer of Word and Sacrament) of a congregation.
The difference is that one is called into the work. In our denomination it means that there was a lot of spiritual discernment that was done. It means that we pray and listen to how the Holy Spirit is calling a congregation and a pastoral candidate. A pastor encompasses more than just being the leader of a congregation. The title often holds a more closeness to our hearts, a sense of comfort and safety. When we have a visiting minister to our congregation you will notice it says “Rev.” next to their name in the bulletin. It isn’t because they are not equipped to be a pastor, it just means that this congregation did not call them to be their pastor. We just called them to give guidance on a Sunday that Pastor Tucker and Pastor Chris are not able to be there. Pastor Christ and I have been called, Pastor Chris not as formally as I, to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments to this community, while also caring for its members’ spiritual needs. We are here for all pastoral concerns not reverend concerns.
I am very thankful for the title that I have here and I am overjoyed that this community has the personal relationship to call me Pastor.
Pax et Bonum (Peace and all Good)
Brother Tucker