A Cheerful Giver
I’ve heard it said so many times, “All that church does is ask for money!” I saw a cartoon once with two men stranded on a tiny little island, with sharks swimming around it. One said, “Nobody will ever find us.” To which the other replies, “Don’t worry. I pledged $100,000 to my church; my pastor will find us.” Many are turned off by the mere suggestion of stewardship, as a sour and depressing subject. Yet the Bible sees it differently. For Paul the thought of giving money for ministry is a cheerful subject which gives rise to gratitude, inspiration and, well, joy! Yes! Stewardship! When I think of how far my money goes when I give my offering, I get sorta giddy. My money goes to support our local ministry but much farther. My offering goes around the world. We support Young Adults in Global Mission, sending 24 young adults (18-35) to nine countries as “missionaries” around the world. What a happy thought! We also have 131 missionary families serving in 45 countries! Oh joy!
At home your gifts have given scholarships to 1000+ students in their seminary training to become ELCA pastors through the Fund for Leaders program. You are helping support the development of 340 ELCA new-start ministries in the United States and the Caribbean, as well as numerous ethnic-specific ministries, such as indigenous, Hispanic, and African American ministries.
We all support hundreds of social ministry agencies (such as Lutheran Social Services and others in our area). One person in 50 throughout the United States are being served by Lutheran agencies. I see what Paul is saying: This all makes me glad and happy and very proud. And it makes me very cheerful when I give to this world-wide ministry of love in Christ.
Pastor Chris