Ways Get Involved at First Lutheran Church
Church Council
- President – Karen Rose
- Vice-President -Jeff Short
- Secretary – Marilynn Dunn
- Christian Education
- Endowment
- Evangelism
- Finance
- Property
- Social Ministry
- Stewardship
- Worship and Music
- Youth
Sunday Serving Opportunities
Altar Guild
The purpose of the Altar Guild is to care for the Altar area, its furnishings, linens, paraments, and appointments. Members wear white gloves whenever touching Communion Vessels. Special preparations are made for the church seasons of Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, Christmas, as well as all Baptisms.
Flower Delivery
The flowers that are placed on the altar for Sunday services are taken from the altar at the end of the day and delivered with a card to our homebound members.
Communion Bread
Members of the congregation volunteer to bake bread for distribution at our weekly communion services.
Communion Deacons
These volunteers are responsible for setting up and assisting the pastors in the distribution of the bread and wine during the church service. They are also responsible for the proper care of the elements that are left after the service. Typically, there are two deacons for each service and Tad Schell oversees this group.
Home Communion Distribution
Assist in the delivery of Communion to our home-bound members in private homes, care facilities or group homes upon request.
We ask for volunteers who would be able to assist members who no longer drive in getting to church. Additionally, we occasionally have members who need help getting to the grocery or to appointments. We use volunteer drivers for these services as well. This program is part of our family FIRST initiative.
Senior Choir
If you love to sing to the Lord, we’d love to have you join us every Sunday service. We hold rehearsals every Thursday night at 7 PM.
Sound System
Assist in running the sound system during services and special events. Ensures microphones are working and the choirs can be heard throughout the church and during streaming.
Youth Serving Opportunities
Sunday School Teachers
If you love teaching and wish to share your faith with our youth and children, we are looking for Sunday School teachers for all classes.
Kid’s Kingdom
Kid’s Kingdom Preschool is a Christian, developmentally appropriate early childhood education program so that they might know the love God has for them in Christ Jesus.
The Youth Ministry is a thriving source of fellowship, Bible study, sharing and growing in the faith of Jesus Christ. We are always looking for those who feel called to Youth Leadership; those who are teachers, leaders, supportive, and encouragers of our youth grades 6-12.
Other Serving Opportunities
Backyard Mission
Beginning first in our own backyard, then moving out into the world, we seek to obey God’s commandment to demonstrate the love of Christ & share the gospel message of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Community Dinners
We are a part of the city-wide community dinner program here at First Lutheran. We prepare and serve a dinner available free of charge to anyone in the community. Volunteers prepare and serve all parts of the meal in our Fellowship Hall from 11:30am until 1:00pm, always on the first Sunday of the month.
Prayer Chain
Prayer requests are received from the Pastors and updated regularly. We continue to remember our homebound, those in nursing care, caregivers, families with difficulties, and the bereaved. We also pray for our Pastors, our Church Board, our Sunday Church School, our Youth and our church members.
You are requested help setup a drive to get blood donations, to either maintain a general supply or in response to a specific shortage or emergency.
Ladies Bible Study/ Circles
There are study opportunities for ladies of the church with three different circles meeting at various times during the month and Bible studies on several days of the week.
The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) is a church of about 4 million members who actively participate in God’s work in the world. We believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. The WELCA is the women’s organization of the ELCA.
Book Club
Gather with fellow parishioners to discuss, express opinions, likes, dislikes, etc. of a book or books that the group has chosen to read.
LSS Food Cart Delivery
An ongoing ministry of the church where members fill a grocery cart with non-perishables and when full a volunteer takes the food and delivers it to our local LSS food pantry for distribution.
Rummage Sale
An annual event to help raise money for local projects. It is a wonderful ministry that helps many in our community.