Snowflake Social
Calling ALL Mothers, Daughters, Aunts, Sisters, and Girlfriends!
February 5th 6:30-8:00pm
BEFORE you think you can’t stand winter another minute–you know, when it just seems cold, damp, and all the Christmas cheer seems gone, there’s (ta da!) Valentine’s Day!! A time of pink cheeks, red noses, white doilies, Cupids, and our annual Snowflake Social!
Come and enjoy a time of fellowship or “girlship” with a light supper and a lovely craft to take home presented by our wonderful resident artist, Beth Maurer.
Come share this time to prepare our HEARTS for our Lenten Walk to Calvary, where Christ’s heart was given for us all.
Thrivent Financial will be sponsoring this special event and helping the WELCA Circles provide the craft and light supper, so SAVE THE DATE. You can show YOUR HEART by bringing an in-kind offering of bath tissue, paper towels, diapers, hand or laundry soap, dish detergent, and shampoo which will benefit the Christian Clearing House’s Caring Cupboard. Please be generous!